All images are opened by Internet Explorer!

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When opened png file on the Desktop, Wine Internet Explorer is run with the popup error:
DDE failure
with some weird Address.
I hate Internet Explorer! and even on FreeBSD it's following me;/

Trying to change default behavior, by right click, Open With->Other Application..., typing: eog or any other image viewer, by default I've got 'Remember this application for "PNG image" files'.
After this, still the same.
How to remove Internet Explorer by being default image viewer on FreeBSD?;/
I'm using GNOME.

kenorb said:
When opened png file on the Desktop, Wine Internet Explorer is run with the popup error:
with some weird Address.
I hate Internet Explorer! and even on FreeBSD it's following me;/
LOL. Sorry I could not resist. :e

kenorb said:
How to remove Internet Explorer by being default image viewer on FreeBSD?;/
Check defaults.list and mimeinfo.cache in ~/.local/share/applications/ for an image/png entry and modify the associated .desktop file (seen after the equal sign) to open files using the application of your choice.
Those are my files:
> ls ~/.local/share/applications
mimeapps.list			wine				wine-extension-html.desktop	wine-extension-jpg.desktop	wine-extension-wri.desktop
mimeinfo.cache			wine-extension-chm.desktop	wine-extension-ini.desktop	wine-extension-png.desktop	wine-extension-xml.desktop
userapp-eog-1WCKLV.desktop	wine-extension-gif.desktop	wine-extension-jfif.desktop	wine-extension-rtf.desktop
userapp-eog-WCYNLV.desktop	wine-extension-hlp.desktop	wine-extension-jpe.desktop	wine-extension-skype.desktop
userapp-gvim-UNYALV.desktop	wine-extension-htm.desktop	wine-extension-jpeg.desktop	wine-extension-txt.desktop
I can't see defaults.list, but png is in 3 files:
> grep png ~/.local/share/applications/*
wine-extension-png.desktop:Exec=wine start /ProgIDOpen pngfile %f

What's correct way of fixing this bug?
kenorb said:
wine-extension-png.desktop:Exec=wine start /ProgIDOpen pngfile %f
Edit wine-extension-png.desktop and replace wine start /ProgIDOpen pngfile %f with your favorite application, e.g. gimp %f.
It would also be aesthetically right to rename wine-extension-png.desktop both as a file and inside mimeapps.list and mimeinfo.cache to something more appropriate. :)

kenorb said:
What's correct way of fixing this bug?
It is not a bug. It is Wine being a d*** just like Windows.
Beastie said:
It is not a bug. It is Wine being a d*** just like Windows.

If it's not a bug, how it's possible that I can't change using GNOME as I suppose to do it?
From my perspective if 'Remember this option for "PNG image" files' doesn't work, as it says, it's a bug.
Should it say instead:
'Remember this option for "PNG image" files exempt if you have Wine Internet Explorer installed'?

I'm not gonna to HACK/EDIT any system files until this will be fixed in proper way and it'll work as it suppose to work.
That means every time when I'll install FreeBSD on another desktop, or I'll back to FreeBSD after few years, each time I'll see Internet Explorer as default image browser? And each time I need to look for the list of files on the forum which I have to HACK again before I could use the system normally?
My goal is when I install next time FreeBSD as a Desktop machine, it'll not take me again 1 month to configure it properly as a Desktop machine.

> pkg_info -W xdg-open gnome-open
/usr/local/bin/xdg-open was installed by package xdg-utils-1.0.2_5
/usr/local/bin/xdg-mime was installed by package xdg-utils-1.0.2_5
/usr/local/bin/gnome-open was installed by package libgnome-2.30.0_1
> xdg-open Screenshot-callgrind.out.28350\ \[sl]\ -\ KCachegrind-2.png
> fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000100
fixme:ole:CoResumeClassObjects stub
fixme:urlmon:URLMoniker_BindToObject use running object table
fixme:shdocvw:bind_to_object BindToObject failed: 800401e4
Application could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file.
ShellExecuteEx failed: Success

> sh -x `which xdg-open` Screenshot-callgrind.out.28350\ \[sl]\ -\ KCachegrind-2.png
+ detectDE
+ [ x = xtrue ]
+ [ xthis-is-deprecated != x ]
+ DE=gnome
+ [ xgnome = x ]
+ open_gnome 'Screenshot-callgrind.out.28350 [sl] - KCachegrind-2.png'
+ gnome-open 'Screenshot-callgrind.out.28350 [sl] - KCachegrind-2.png'
+ [ 0 -eq 0 ]
+ exit_success
+ [ 0 -gt 0 ]
+ exit 0
> ktrace gnome-open Screenshot-callgrind.out.28350\ \[sl]\ -\ KCachegrind-2.png
  1066 initial thread NAMI  "/usr/local/share/applications/defaults.list"
  1066 initial thread RET   stat -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
  1066 initial thread CALL  stat(0x803227bc0,0x7fffffffe540)
  1066 initial thread NAMI  "/usr/local/share/applications/mimeapps.list"
  1066 initial thread RET   stat -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
  1066 initial thread CALL  gettimeofday(0x7fffffffe590,0)
  1066 initial thread RET   gettimeofday 0
  1066 initial thread CALL  gettimeofday(0x7fffffffe110,0)
  1066 initial thread RET   gettimeofday 0
  1066 initial thread CALL  gettimeofday(0x7fffffffe590,0)
  1066 initial thread RET   gettimeofday 0
  1066 initial thread CALL  gettimeofday(0x7fffffffe110,0)
  1066 initial thread RET   gettimeofday 0
  1066 initial thread CALL  open(0x80320d880,O_RDONLY,<unused>0)
  1066 initial thread NAMI  "/home/kenorb/.local/share/applications/wine-extension-png.desktop"
  1066 initial thread RET   open 14/0xe
  1066 initial thread CALL  fstat(0xe,0x7fffffffe550)
  1066 initial thread STRU  struct stat {dev=98, ino=20522754, mode=-rw-r--r-- , nlink=1, uid=1001, gid=1001, rdev=81967415, atime=1289582813, stime=1288087321, ctime=128
8087321, birthtime=1288087321, size=144, blksize=16384, blocks=4, flags=0x0 }
  1066 initial thread RET   fstat 0
  1066 initial thread CALL  read(0xe,0x7fffffffd550,0x1000)
  1066 initial thread GIO   fd 14 read 144 bytes
       "[Desktop Entry]
        Name=Wine core exe
        Exec=wine start /ProgIDOpen pngfile %f

> xdg-mime query default "image/png"
kenorb said:
If it's not a bug, how it's possible that I can't change using GNOME as I suppose to do it?
From my perspective if 'Remember this option for "PNG image" files' doesn't work, as it says, it's a bug.
Oh, this is what you were talking about! I thought you were talking about Wine changing other applications' settings. My bad.

kenorb said:
I'm not gonna to HACK/EDIT any system files
1. You asked for our help. I gave you a solution. You rejected it. Fine.
2. ~/.local/share/applications/* are not system files.

kenorb said:
until this will be fixed in proper way and it'll work as it suppose to work.
That means every time when I'll install FreeBSD on another desktop, or I'll back to FreeBSD after few years, each time I'll see Internet Explorer as default image browser? And each time I need to look for the list of files on the forum which I have to HACK again before I could use the system normally?
The FreeBSD Project is *not* responsible of the GNOME or Wine *development*. It only *ports* these applications. Blaming FreeBSD won't fix GNOME bugs.
You are free to stop using GNOME or whatever is getting on your nerves. There is probably 100 alternatives to the applications bundled in GNOME.
This topic has been closed. Issues as technical or detailed as this should not be discussed in general user-oriented forums like The FreeBSD Forums. These forums are intended for end-user support with installing and/or running FreeBSD and/or applications from the ports tree, not for routinely resolving low-level problems with the operating system or add-on applications. Developers and port maintainers usually do not spend much time here, and we routinely refer technically detailed questions to them.

Consider opening this topic elsewhere, e.g.:

In the case of the FreeBSD base system:

1) by posting to one of the relevant mailing lists
2) by opening a bug report

In the case of ported applications:

1) by contacting the port maintainer (run make maintainer in the port directory)
2) by opening a bug report
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