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  1. C

    Unix Pioneer Ken Thompson Announces He's Switching From Mac To Linux

    Ah, first signs of senility.
  2. C

    Which default programs don't you use.

    Having something better ;) than nvi installed by default could be handy, but the implication is that the already large base system will expand in size even more.
  3. C

    What version control do you use for your dotfiles? Or do you not use one at all?

    Basically, that's similar to how vc-mode (yes, that's the built-in one - it also supports Git AFAIK) works, except that it's even easier: C-x v v performs the "most logical" next action, so all it takes to push a new change (which was just saved) to Fossil, SCCS, Git and whatever :) is pressing...
  4. C

    What version control do you use for your dotfiles? Or do you not use one at all?

    From what I can see, Magit sounds like unnecessary feature bloat to me. Writing commit messages lets you think about the usefulness of what you did, but it is important to remember that they are not quite as important as the files themselves ... :)
  5. C

    What version control do you use for your dotfiles? Or do you not use one at all?

    I use Fossil for my dotfiles (= configuration files), at least for those which I want to use on more than one computer. Using Git for single files is ridiculous in my opinion. As even my GNU Emacs configuration (which I tamper with almost every week) is not subject to daily changes (anymore?)...
  6. C


    'tis the season. View:
  7. C

    What is your favorite shell.

    After moving on from tcsh which has the big disadvantage of treating exclamation marks as commands even when configured otherwise (if anyone could guide me how to have “!!” in strings, like archive passwords, not mess with my history, please do!), my interactive shell is rc (with readline)...
  8. C

    simple shell question

    Depends on what you want to do.
  9. C

    Is usenet/netnews dead ?

    If these are your only two options, the Usenet is not to blame for that.
  10. C

    Is usenet/netnews dead ?

    You did not understand the reference. Which is ok. I think it’s more peaceful here on Usenet without people who still think so much about the Usenet that they waste quite a few posts on a web forum talking about how dead it is and how non-existent I am.
  11. C

    Is usenet/netnews dead ?

    I think that the absence of AOL customers who “moved on” to lesser communities helps the quality of the Usenet. (Ref.: Eternal September.) I’m nobody now. Why are you so enraged about this?
  12. C

    Is usenet/netnews dead ?

    You’re in the wrong groups. Web forums and Facebook are dying. Usenet was never great for binaries. In fact, my Usenet provider does not even have them and that’s fine.
  13. C

    What is you preferred internet-browser?

    Unless you succumb to the mandatory JavaScript support.
  14. C

    What is you preferred internet-browser? 😁
  15. C

    simple shell question

    It is a mature, portable language that does text processing better than any other language - and it comes preinstalled on most operating systems these days and you can be relatively sure that perl is Perl 5, not "GNU Perl", not "BSD Perl", not a symlink to Python. Do you plan to turn this...
  16. C

    Is usenet/netnews dead ?

    Yes, I still use Usenet. To communicate. There is no modern variant that does not suck.
  17. C

    What is you preferred internet-browser?

    Internet browsers can not necessarily be used to browse the web. Technically, even your e-mail client is an internet "browser" (by a quite stretched definition of "browse" though).
  18. C

    What is you preferred internet-browser?

    The question clearly states "internet browser" (hence my answer above). Most of the internet is pretty solid. :)
  19. C

    What is you preferred internet-browser?

    Emacs’s Gnus. Except for the web, it covers most internet services pretty well.