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  1. S

    X on a Lenovo T61

    I am running FreeBSD 7.1 amd64 on T61. The FVWM window manager is working fine too. But the brank mark of video card is ATI, this is different from yours.
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    Search File Content Recursively

    You could try the following command to add line-number and color to grep's result. find /some/dir -name '*.txt' -exec grep --color -n 'searchstring' {} /dev/null \;
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    copy file from windows to freebsd

    I usually install a FTP Server on windows to exchange files. Serv-U is my current FTP server.
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    Putting colour in your shell

    I use the followings in .cshrc. setenv LSCOLORS ExGxFxdxCxegedabagExEx setenv CLICOLOR yes set prompt = "[%{\033[0;32m%}%n%{\033[0m%}@%{\033[0;32m%}%m%{\033[0m%}] %{\033[1;33m%}%/\n%{\033[0;32m%}#%{\033[0m%} "
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    FreeBSD 7.2 print/ghostscript8 installation fails

    Carpetsmoker, Thank you very much! I have installed ghostscript8 followed your suggestions.
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    i try to startx but i have xorg error

    The same to me. In my laptop Lenovo T60p, I could not use Xorg too. I have to roll back to 7.1.
  7. S

    Screen Shots?

    1. vidcontrol -p </dev/ttyv0> screenshot.scr 2. scr2png <screenshot.scr> screenshot.png
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    Mounting a drive

    maybe you need to build the kernel with "options EXT2FS", then try to use "mount -t ext2fs ....".