Solved /proc/ is not mounted error when I try to chroot ubuntu 23.10 installed inside the Linuxulator...


my Linuxulator is misconfigured and I don't understand why,because everything seems correctly configured to my eyes.

[mario@marietto /compat]==> ./start-ubuntu2310

access control disabled, clients can connect from any host
compat.linux.emul_path: /compat/ubuntu2310 -> /compat/ubuntu2310
compat.linux.emul_path: /compat/ubuntu2310 -> /compat/ubuntu2310
zsh compinit: insecure directories, run compaudit for list.
Ignore insecure directories and continue [y] or abort compinit [n]? y

but when I do :

marietto# systemctl

the error comes up :

⚠️ /proc/ is not mounted. This is not a supported mode of operation. Please fix your invocation environment to mount /proc/ and /sys/ properly. Proceeding anyway. Your mileage may vary.

System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate. Failed to connect to bus: Host is down

I don't understand why the first error , "/proc/ is not mounted" ; because I mounted proc on my fstab file like this :

fdesc            /dev/fd                      fdescfs       rw                0    0
proc             /proc                        procfs        rw                0    0

linprocfs        /compat/ubuntu2310/proc      linprocfs     rw                0    0
linsysfs         /compat/ubuntu2310/sys       linsysfs      rw                0    0

that "proc" is correctly mounted can be seen even within the chrooted ubuntu 23.10 installed inside the linuxulator :

marietto# ls /proc

0    15  2976  3521  4805  4850  4858  4898  4928  4983  5011  5607  7304  7663  7817  8166  cmdline      mtab          uptime
1    16  2979  3522  4806  4851  4868  4899  4929  4992  52    5610  7339  7675  7819  8167  cpuinfo      net          version
10   17  3     3560  4834  4852  4880  4905  4931  4995  53    5612  7340  7678  7944  8168  devices      partitions
11   18  3057  3570  4837  4853  4881  4907  4932  4996  5323  5616  7648  7679  7945  8192  filesystems  scsi
12   19  3177  3589  4839  4854  4884  4909  4934  5     5327  6     7652  7811  7951  8243  loadavg      self
13   2     3190  3618  4842  4855  4888  4915  4940  5001  54    7     7653  7812  7952  8265  meminfo      stat
14   20  3403  4     4844  4856  4890  4919  4942  5007  5472  7298  7654  7813  8     9     modules      swaps
143  21  3425  4804  4845  4857  4895  4925  4959  5009  55    7303  7656  7816  8093  bus   mounts      sys
I know that systemd does not work. What I didn't know is if the first error (proc and sys not mounted) was connected to the second one ; if there was a link of cause and effect between the errors. From your sentence,it seems there is. Point is that I see the proc error even if I don't invoke "systemctl".
i get the /proc error as well
systemctl doesnt work in the linuxulator or a jail

systemd doesnt work on Freebsd (thank god) so it wont work in a jail or the linuxulator

because there is no systemd you cant install the gnome desktop or snaps
i also noticed flatpak doesnt work either but im not sure if that related to systemd or a seperate issue