Solved Keyboard not working (no response and sending too many characters)

After insralling 14.0-RELEASE and starting previous XFCE4 configuration using startx the keyboard input does not work. First key presses create a spurious (or sporadic) burst of characters without the character of the pressed key. Afterwards the keyboard output (and the desktop) is not responsive and it is difficult to exit the . Windowing is not usable. The graphics driver may work (not sure). evdev was added compared to the previous.

What creates this? How to fix this?

with best, e
Something happened after freebsd-update, /etc/rc.subr or something was broken. Then I installed buildworld/installworld from the source. Could it be a permission missing somewhere?

Alltogether it is broken. Any help where to start solving the issue?

The Xorg.log did not have errors in it. Is it the Intel graphics driver?

Kernel was either from 12 or a copy from GENERIC.
So you didn't do what you said in your first post:

After insralling 14.0-RELEASE

You've done some other steps, something with freebsd-update, hosed some directories, tried to build something, and based on your other thread, you've changed kernel options?

And now things are very broken.

Backup any files you need and start with a fresh install? It's not remotely clear what you have done or are doing or are trying to achieve (a kernel from 12? FreeBSD 12? Why are you talking about installing FreeBSD 14?)
Dear all,

Here are some images explaining the situation.


This is how it looks like if root starts an X11 session using startx and tries to write something.


This is a users XFCE4 session trying to type xfce4-terminal in the terminal.

The keyboard input appears garbled.

Graphics could be ok. I don’t know if the graphics driver works.
So you didn't do what you said in your first post:

You've done some other steps, something with freebsd-update, hosed some directories, tried to build something, and based on your other thread, you've changed kernel options?

And now things are very broken.

Backup any files you need and start with a fresh install? It's not remotely clear what you have done or are doing or are trying to achieve (a kernel from 12? FreeBSD 12? Why are you talking about installing FreeBSD 14?)

This is a notebook, almost a tablet and it is darn difficult to install. I’ve already installed everything in a new / -partition. It should contain new /dev -directory? /usr was overwritten by make buildworld; make installworld. It should be new.

Buy a new keyboard?

Ok, it could be just the keyboard. It nevertheless is not the mechanical keyboard (this message was written using the keyboard).

What happened after taking the images was that Windows 10 changed the BIOS settings and remembering the BIOS key was difficult without assisting documentation. The Windows 10 popped up multiple pop-up windows warning about something and trying to sell software. This is nerv wrekking. Should I buy a tablet just for the FreeBSD? Instead of buying new keyboard?

ARM64 graphics support for the tablet? :cool:

With kind regards,

This issue is somewhat being solved.

A good approach is to move directory /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d as a backup, create a new one and then trying to start the X-session again using startx. Then one by one cp the files from the backup directory and try the X-session again.

The problem was in two files:
Section ”InputClass”
   Identifier ”KeyboardDefaults”
   Driver ”keyboard”
   MatchIsKeyboard ”on”
   Option ”XkbOptions” ”terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp”

The other file was a keyboard file (Apple aluminium keyboard).

Xkb Configuration Guide

From the first file the command-line option actually works:
setxkbmap -option "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp"

Removing the line Driver ”keyboard” from the file fixed the spurious keyboard input. If there is a need to have the line there it has happened somewhere in between versions 12.4 and 14.0.

<ctrl><alt><bksp> did not work and some file had to include the line Driver ”keyboard” to be able to start the X11 -session. The commandline option made the X11 to terminate when <ctrl><alt><bksp> was pressed. The problem is not solved.

Sometime it may help to try to think holistically. A hint to buy a new keyboard is actually a good one. It helps to think outside of the configurations of the previous installations. Sometimes understood as pipe or ”hollow” brain phenomenon. One should think more broadly.

Something is actually wrong. Eight is not greater than nine. Maybe the battery is to blame?
The low power may have made the computer to ”restore” the boot order and other BIOS settings. Otherwice the arithmetic is nonsense.

The 14.0 installation was actually working ok after the changes. For example video looked ok, the Intel driver was ok. Thanks for the help (anyway).
Dear all,

Here are some images explaining the situation.

View attachment 18757
This is how it looks like if root starts an X11 session using startx and tries to write something.

View attachment 18758
This is a users XFCE4 session trying to type xfce4-terminal in the terminal.

The keyboard input appears garbled.

Graphics could be ok. I don’t know if the graphics driver works.

This is a notebook, almost a tablet and it is darn difficult to install. I’ve already installed everything in a new / -partition. It should contain new /dev -directory? /usr was overwritten by make buildworld; make installworld. It should be new.

Ok, it could be just the keyboard. It nevertheless is not the mechanical keyboard (this message was written using the keyboard).

What happened after taking the images was that Windows 10 changed the BIOS settings and remembering the BIOS key was difficult without assisting documentation. The Windows 10 popped up multiple pop-up windows warning about something and trying to sell software. This is nerv wrekking. Should I buy a tablet just for the FreeBSD? Instead of buying new keyboard?

ARM64 graphics support for the tablet? :cool:

With kind regards,

Try openbox and in ./.xinitrc file e.g. "setxkbmap be", this is for Belgium.
Does the keyboard work on a raw console?

If yes, does it work under a different windowing environment, such as fvwm? Fvwm does not mess around with keyboard mappings. If it works with fvwm then the problem is within the user's windowing environment.

Try setting the locale from Belgium to C. If that works, there must be something amiss with the locale.